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FMCSA Posts New ELD Training, Recordings

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has updated the News and Events page on its Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) website with training and webinar recordings for the motor carrier industry and ELD providers.

NEW: Interactive Training Courses

FMCSA has created and posted two interactive ELD training courses to provide a refresher to help ensure that motor carriers and drivers subject to the ELD rule, and ELD providers, are prepared for the December 16, 2019 deadline for full conversion from Automatic Onboard Recording Devices (AOBRDs) to ELDs. Topics include data transfer methods, the difference between ELDs and AOBRDs, and how to address technical issues or maintain device compliance.


Q&A Session Recordings

In August, FMCSA held a series of live question and answer sessions on ELDs. Recordings of these sessions are available below.


ELD and eRODS Enforcement Training

Access this interactive training course for a peek into one of the ways FMCSA and State enforcement personnel are trained to use ELDs to review hours-of-service data and determine violations.


For more information about the ELD mandate, visit FMCSA’s ELD webpage or our ELD webpage today.